Monday, April 19, 2010

[ House ]

[ Classical World ] House from Young RHo on Vimeo.

This 3D rendered model is a 3 story private building. This modern design building has some Classical Greek Architecture elements. The column is Doric style and also has a Frieze section.
Design of this building is modern, but has used classical Greek style. And this somewhat different style mixing created a new design style suggestion.

[ City Hall ]

[ Classical World ] City Hall from Young RHo on Vimeo.

This 3D model is a public building. It has been used as city hall. The interesting fact is this building has typical architecture style of Classical Greece. It is based on Ionic style. A column has a base and a scroll capital, and slim as Ionic Column. There is a frieze section as classical Greek architecture, but no decoration. This Building has a platform but not 4 steps as Classical Greek style.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The render is a model of a single story house. Several elements of Classical Greek architecture were implemented into this model. The tall columns that appear in this building are probably the most notable classical feature. In order to give the columns a more modern look, they are complemented with very simple, round capitols. Plinths, which are the bases upon which a column rests on, are also featured in this model. Arches are used to enhance the geometric shape of the more modern round-top windows. A crepidoma, which is the platform upon which supports the superstructure of the building, appears in the model and was very common in classical architecture. This building, like the Parthenon, has a platform like this along all sides of the building.

In this model rendering, similar architectural accents of the Classical style have been implemented into this contemporary design also. Like the previous model, this model also utilizes simple capitols at the head of the columns. This building is an example of a structure which centers around the classical doric order. A pediment, which is the triangular section found above the horizontal structure (which is called the entablature), is used on this model. Two porticos are placed on the sides of the building, giving it almost a basilica-like appearance. A portico is a extension of a building, like a porch, with a roof structure supported by columns. Pilasters, which are rectangular columns built into or applied to the face of a wall, can be found in the second and third levels of the building. Simple keystones appear at the center of the window arches. Another feature are the architraves, which are the molded frames around the windows. Something peculiar about this model is the use of rustication around the center and side windows. In this example, the edges of each block are emphasized. Rustication contrasts with smooth surfaces because it gives the elements of a wall texture.
In this specific project we have decided to take a closer look at Classical architecture and the design elements that make it a unique style by designing 3-dimensional structures inspired by the architecture of the Classical period. The challenge that is presented to us in this project is to combine elements of the classical style with more contemporary designs. Elements of this style have been and are still being adapted to contemporary buildings, and the examples we will show in class will help support this idea visually.
The Classical Style, like all other architectural styles, has its common and unique design elements. Among these elements is the use of symmetry, which the architects of ancient times strived their buildings to have. They believed symmetry was a representation of perfection and order. Buildings inspired by this style are likely to have a symmetrical shape, tall columns, triangular pediments, and sometimes domed roofs.

Classical architecture has inspired many architects and has led to revivals such as neoclassical architecture from the mid-18th century and the Greek Revival of the 19th century. The Classical style revolved around the notion of idealization and perfection, and this idea attracted many architects throughout history and has remained a source of inspiration for many artists.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Project Proposal

Design 3-dimensional structure(s) that is inspired by the architecture of the Classical period.

-Design classical-inspired model(s)

-Look At Classical Architecture and choose 2-3 examples (specific structures: i.e. Parthenon, etc) that are part of your inspiration or where some of its specific design elements have been adapted to your building

-Determine the reasons why you think your choices are adaptable

-Show how and explain why you implemented those specific elements of the Classical style into the contemporary design

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010